
ReBAU is pushing the boundaries of architecture beyond traditional building methods into a circular and resource-efficient construction industry.

The team is supporting innovations within the buildings sector. Via a call for proposals, outstanding projects in the Rhenish mining area are brought forward. A model project is funded and supported within the Innovation Call 1 by ReBAU which finances a part of the additionally required planning services up to 42,000 euros (net) and will consult the project planners during the planning process.


Contact details:

Lillith Kreiß
Zukunftsagentur Rheinisches Revier
Phone:  +49 2465 75 28 926


Foto: Lisa Beller

call 1

Call for proposals: Realizing building projects according to the principles of the Circular Economy.

The ReBAU project is looking for planners who are willing to implement the principles of resource efficiency and Circular Economy in a prominent building project. It is required to analyze and implement the use of recycling materials. Building components are to be optimized. Planners will be funded with to 42,000 € for their additional planning services in the context of the resource transition study. In addition to the financial support, the ReBAU project team offers free consulting during the elaboration and implementation of the building project. In order to receive the funding, planners must submit an application.

Contract period: January 2021 to June 2022 (maximum 1.5 years).
Submission deadline: October 15, 2020
Funding amount: Planning services are funded with up to 42,000 €
(net, plus VAT).


BILD_ReBAU Ausschreibung_copyright Cree GmbH Dornbirn

© Cree GmbH Dornbirn

call 2

Call for products and construction methods

Product manufacturers, planners and designers are invited to apply for the 1st ReBAU trade fair in February 2022 in the Rhenish Region, Germany. We are looking for products and construction methods that enable the transition towards a resource efficient and circular building sector.

Deadline 15th October 2021

Apply now

Exhibition at the trade fair February 2022 in the Rheinisches Revier.

We are looking for products or building components and construction methods that are made from renewable and/or secondary raw materials as well as reused products. All products should be designed to be applied in further life cycles.

Selected products will be exhibited at the ReBAU trade fair in early 2022. The exhibition will take place during the fair and products will be presented within two DIN A1 posters and a table. Exhibitors have the opportunity to present their products and methods in short presentations of 5 minutes. The application form for participation in the fair can be found on the ReBAU website under Innovation.

Evaluation: Products and constructions will be evaluated according to Factor X principles and circularity categories based on the EMMy Library and will then be available for public use in  design processes and application in resource-efficient buildings and settlements.

Factor X evaluation principles: Used and unused extraction, GWP(Global warming potential) and PENRT (primary energy non-renewable).

The ReBau Trade fair – products and construction as resources
in  february 2022 in the Rheinisches Revier.
The ReBAU Trade fair is a space for the exchange of new ideas on resource conservation and circularity in the building sector. In addition to an exhibition of novel products and construction methods, the program includes presentations, discussions and workshops on circularity, urban planning, evaluation princibles, research, planning tools and more. Parts of the event will also be broadcasted online.

You will soon find more information about the fair here.